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Mailsort is Custom Pre-Sorting For Gmail

With the initial "Bulk Filter" feature, you set custom email addresses on a "Bulk" list and Mailsort manages a Gmail Filter to pre-sort them into a "Bulk" Gmail Label, skipping the inbox. This can be used with both the classical Gmail inbox and Priority Inbox. This way your own hand-labeled bulk mail doesn't trigger dinner-ruining notifications or fill up your brainwaves with junk. And since it's DIY, there are no nosy chatbots, no algorithm busy learning about you... just you being your own butler, specifying only the email addresses you want sorted into Bulk. This way you won't get notifications of bulk mail during dinner, finally!

Once the bulk mail you actually want is safely sorted into the Bulk label to be used later, you can use the Gmail's powerful Search like you always have to find the content you're looking for. On one hand, you'd think you should simply unsubscribe from all the mailings that you don't want, and third party services like Unroll Me do just that. But sometimes the bulk email is useful, providing coupon codes, social media updates, and similar. So we built Mailsort to incrementally tame the notifications and get the bulk mail to stop clogging up your eyeballs by tucking the bulk emails away where they will be less immediate.

We won't share your personal information or your filter data with anyone ever. Gmail of course gets the data in the form of Labels and Filters. But that's it. And we'll do a judicious job of protecting your data security.

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