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Who We Are

Code Bug LLC is a Software Architecture company based in San Francisco. We provide advising and development services for internet software products, with an emphasis Security, Privacy, and Sustainability. We are also developing our own systems and tools.

What We Believe

We believe it's worth the effort to make the code work right. Programs that run perfectly also scale up easily... and end up costing a lot less time, money, and aggravation in the long run. Release early, release often, listen to feedback, and work to maintain simplicity.

How We Work

Our advising and research are on a limited, off-hours basis, as a sort of partnership with the mission at hand. Although we bring the most to the table when we help you from the very beginning, we can help build and maintain internet and database products and systems of almost any size.


Starting by scratching our own itches, leveraging inspiration into actual work produced. First round will be personal use tools that can be used in a group setting, such as families and organizations. Aim is to improve quality of life on basic usage of the internet.


Over the years we've been frustrated by the constantly pinging inbox - you might be familiar with this problem. We tinkered with this back in The Aughts, and we're at it again building MailSort, a tool to help you sort your own Gmail using labels and filters.